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Faximum ELS/PLUS Reference Manual

for SCO OpenServer 5 - Release 2.1 - HTML Edition - Draft 1

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In this index the primary reference page number appears in bold; the names of files or commands appear in italics; and the names of menus and menu options appear in a sans serif font. Please note that non-letter items appear first under the applicable headings.


* (miscellaneous) 117
* (miscellaneous) menu 117
...fax/database C-7
...fax/database/company C-7
...fax/database/database C-8
...fax/database/people C-7
...fax/database/srreq,srfile,srdest C-8
...fax/inbox C-7
...fax/msgs C-8
.faxrc file C-7
/usr/spool/fax directory C-5
/usr/spool/fax/acct C-5
/usr/spool/fax/destinations/* C-5
/usr/spool/fax/deststatus/* C-6
/usr/spool/fax/devstatus/* C-6
/usr/spool/fax/log C-6
/usr/spool/fax/scheddump C-6
/usr/spool/fax/seq C-6
/usr/spool/fax/tmp C-6
~fax directory C-1
~fax/bin C-2
~fax/config C-2
~fax/convert C-3
~fax/coversheet C-3
~fax/database C-3
~fax/dev C-3
~fax/dirlist C-2
~fax/driver C-3
~fax/fax C-3
~fax/fax/inbox C-4
~fax/font/* C-4
~fax/help C-4
~fax/images C-4
~fax/install C-4
~fax/lib C-4
~fax/ps C-5
~fax/release C-5


About Faximum 120
accessing the shell 118
account database 15, 18, 21, 27, 102
account numbers
dialling rules 28, 34
Accounting Log 86
accounting log 86
Accounts 27
action database 15, 25
Actions 25
databases 94
Administration 89
databases 100
overview 89
preferences 91
fax 8
menus 8, 89
alt-tsi, see style database
reception E-4
sendfax A-26, E-6
transmission E-3
transmitfax A-55, E-4
Application Program Interface, see API
asciitiff A-3
attachments 50


banner, top of page, see style database
batch requests, see class of service database
boards (fax) 108
broadcast faxing 56
busy number retry, see class of service database


Change Current Database 94
class of service database 15, 21, 28
Classes of Service 28
Companies 19, 94
company database 14, 18, 19, 21, 94
config A-61
Configuration 100
databases 100
system 100
conventions 1
convert A-8
Copy Selected Fax(es) 65
copying faxes 65
cost of call, see class of service database
cover sheets D-1
adding a logo D-2
changing existing D-1
defining a new D-4
fonts B-2
letterhead/logo overlay D-6
overlay D-6
see also style database
coversheet information, see people database
cpcscan A-10
Create Directory 78
cover sheet D-1
user defaults 91


faxlisten A-13
faxsched A-60
editing 95
new entry 94
database database 14, 21
database entry names 14
Databases 21, 94
account 15, 18, 21, 27
action 15, 25
adding 94
adding new people/company 98
administration 100
class of service 15, 21, 28, 28
company 14, 18, 19, 19, 21, 94
configuration 100
deleting 94
dialling rule 16, 30, 103
dispatch 16, 34, 34
editing 94
fax line 108
list (database) 21, 94
list of 14, 21
overview 13
people 14, 17, 21, 94
printer 16, 35, 35
queue management 113
saved request 15, 22, 22
scanner 16, 36
sharing 14, 16
style 17, 37, 37
system 100
date (current) 119
system 100
user 91
outgoing fax line selection 34
Delete Directory 79
Delete Selected Fax(es) 66
databases 94
directories 79
failed faxes 103
faxes 66
Destination Status 83
destination status 83
device A-64
device names
dial-in/out 110
device names 110
dialling rule database 16, 30
Dialling Rules 30, 103
dialling rules 103
account numbers 28, 34
...fax/database C-7
...fax/database/company C-7
...fax/database/database C-8
...fax/database/people C-7
...fax/inbox C-7
...fax/msgs C-8
/usr/spool/fax C-5
/usr/spool/fax/destinations/* C-5
/usr/spool/fax/deststatus/* C-6
/usr/spool/fax/devstatus/* C-6
/usr/spool/fax/tmp C-6
~fax C-1
~fax/bin C-2
~fax/convert C-3
~fax/coversheet C-3
~fax/database C-3
~fax/dev C-3
~fax/driver C-3
~fax/fax/inbox C-4
~fax/font/* C-4
~fax/help C-4
~fax/images C-4
~fax/install C-4
~fax/lib C-4
~fax/ps C-5
~fax/release C-5
deleting 79
Faximum C-1
user access 77, 118
user defaults 91
user's fax C-7
user's home C-6
directories~fax/fax C-3
Dispatch 34
dispatch database 16, 34
dump A-11


databases 94, 95
Electronic Mail (receive) 71
Electronic Mail (send) 61
notify sender 48
receiving 71
sending 61
environment variables A-12
Examine Faxes 78
examine faxes 78
exit Faximum 12


banner, top of page, see style database
boards 108
broadcast 56
copying 65
deleting 66
examining 78
in-box 64
leaving 12
many (to) 56
moving 65
number 46
operators 100
previewing 75
printing 64
Quick FAX 43
receiving 63
renaming 65
saved request 59
scanning 74
sending 41, 54
spool directory 101
starting 3
suspend/delete failures 103
viewing 64
fax A-12
FAX (screen alert) 11
fax administrator 100
FAX In-Box 64
fax line
configuration 108
databases 108
FAX Lines 108
fax number 46
fax routing information 14
FAX to Many People 56
faxcico A-59
About Faximum 120
directories C-1
files C-1
help system 9
leaving 12
menu system 4
release number 120
serial number 120
starting 3
faxlisten A-13
faxq A-14
faxsched A-60
Files 77
srdest C-8
.faxrc C-7
/usr/spool/fax/acct C-5
/usr/spool/fax/log C-6
/usr/spool/fax/scheddump C-6
/usr/spool/fax/seq C-6
~fax/config C-2
~fax/dirlist C-2
Faximum C-1
user access 77, 118
fonts B-1
cover sheet B-2
PCL-4 B-4
PCL-5 B-6
PostScript B-8
forwarding received faxes, see action database
function keys 9, 42


groups 15


help 9
hypertext help 10


in-box (fax) 64, 91
intelligent dialling 101
intelligent dialling, see also dialling rule database


landscape printing (with PCL) B-4
leaving Faximum 12
Line Printer Interface F-1
line selection
delay 34
outgoing faxes 34
Line Status 82
line status 82
list (database)
databases 21, 94
list of databases 14, 21
accounting 86
system 85
logo (on cover sheet) D-2
lower vs upper case 14


MAIL (screen alert) 11
manual conventions 1
menus 4
message field 47
mfax A-19
miscellaneous (*) menu 117
modem init string 113
modems 108, 111
Move Selected Fax(es) 65
moving faxes 65
multiple lines 34


new A-21
new entry
database 94
notify sender 48
number (fax) 46


operators (fax) 100
overlay file 124
see also style database
administration 89
databases 13


page length, see also style database
search 3
PCL-4 fonts B-4
PCL-5 fonts B-6
pcltiff A-22
People 17, 94
people database 14, 17, 21, 94
phone number punctuation 20
port names 110, 112
PostScript fonts B-8
Preferences 91
preferences 91
previewing a fax 75
Print Selected Fax(es) 64
printer database 16, 35
Printers 35
printing faxes 64
printing received faxes, see action database
priority, see class of service database
project accounting, see account database
pstiff A-24
pull-down menus 4
phone number 20


Queue Management 113
queue management
databases 113
Quick FAX 41, 43
quick fax (to a single person/destination) 43


Receive 63
received fax routing, see action database
e-mail 71
faxes 63
reception API E-4
Refresh Screen 119
refresh screen 119
release number
Faximum 120
Rename Selected Fax(es) 65
renaming faxes 65
see batch requests
see saved requests 22
resolution, see also style database
retry cover sheet, see style database
retry limit, see class of service database
retry pause, see class of service database
routing received faxes, see action database
running Faximum 3


saved request database 15, 22, 59
Saved Requests 22, 59
Scan 73
Scan an Image 74
scan an image 74
Scan an Image with Preview 75
scan with preview 75
scanner database 36
Scanners 36
screen alerts
search path 3
selection delay 34
sendfax A-26, E-6
e-mail 61
faxes 41, 54
serial number
Faximum 120
sharing databases 14
Shell 118
shell 118
configuring Faximum PLUS 123
creating a sample signature 121
cutting your signature 122
files 121
scanning your sample signature 122
user default 92
special testing mode 102, E-7
spool directory 101, C-5
start Faximum 3
Status 81
destination 83
line 82
strftime A-68
style database 37
Styles 37
submitfax A-16, A-35
suspend (faxes) 103
administrators 100
configuration 100
databases 100
defaults 100
log 85
System Databases 100
System Log 85


telephone account numbers, see account database
telephone discount periods, see dialling rule database
telephone line type, see dialling rule database
tiffcat A-42
tiffcompress A-43
tiffcut A-44
tiffdisplay A-45
tiffepsn A-49
tiffhp A-50
tiffps A-51
tiffsplit A-52
tifftiff A-53
time (current) 119
Time of Day 119
top of page banner, see style database
transmission API E-3
Transmit 41
transmitfax A-55, E-4
tsi, see style database
typographical conventions 1


upper vs lower case 14
access to files/directories 77, 118
defaults 91
fax directory C-7
home directory C-6


View Selected Fax(es) 64
viewing faxes 64


WAIT (screen alert) 11
WordPerfect integration 126

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