Image messaging software for UNIX and Linux.
Image messaging software for UNIX and Linux.
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Demonstration Servers

Faximum Software maintains several demonstration fax servers to enable you to try out our software on our equipment.

limited access
unlimited functionality special DID demo server

You are, of course, always free to download a copy of any of our products and receive a free thirty-day activation key* but if you prefer you can access one of our demonstration servers.

Please note that these servers may be down for limited periods to enable our technicians to reload the software or perform maintenance. Please check with this page for the current status.

Because these servers are accessible to other users, please do not send any messages containing private information or from email addresses you do not wish to be known publicly.

This demonstration server provides full access to interested users enabling them to evaluate the software and to be able to send and receive faxes to and from fax machines at their office. Because there are no limits to the administrative functions you can perform, this server is password protected. Please email with your request and contact information and we will call you to provide the details on how to access and use this server.

Software FMS 2
System Compaq Deskpro
Processor Intel Pentium II 350 MHz
Memory 128Mb
Operating System Caldera OpenLinux Server 3.1
Email Software Caldera Volution Messaging Server
Webadmin access
Send/Receive Modem MultiTech MT5634ZBA-V92
Fax Modem Number +1 604 925 8013

This demonstration is currently available. It illustrates the use of DID phone trunks for automated routing of received faxes. Please see for more details.

Software FMS 2
System HP NetServer E40
Processor Intel Pentium Pro 200Mhz
Memory 64Mb
Operating System Red Hat Linux 7.2
Email Software sendmail
Server URL
DID Trunk 1
Receive Modem
MultiTech MT2834ZDX
CTPX VP_2000 DID Interface
DID Trunk 2
Receive Modem
MultiTech MT5634ZBA-DID
DID Numbers
(available for public use)
+1 604 484 5985 through
+1 604 484 5989

A Note on Bandwidth and Processing Power

Although the systems being used above might seem to be light on the processing power, they are more than enough to handle dozens of fax lines. Linux is extremely efficient, and the FMS software puts a modest load on a system. Early Faximum customers were able to drive 12 fax lines with only a 486/33 and 16Mb of memory!

If anything, the limitation on your evaluation of these servers will be because of network bandwidth. These machines are not at our main colocation site (as are and but at our two Engineering facilities which are connected using an ADSL circuits. and are located in West Vancouver, British Columbia while the DID demonstration server is located in Vancouver itself (since West Vancouver is not served by a CLEC and the ILEC's terms for DID trunks are prohibitive).

In any case, if you experience any problems or have any questions about these servers or the FMS software they are running, please email



* free evaluation copies are a one-time offer per company.



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Last updated 2003-12-08


Faximum Software Inc., (604) 925-3600, Fax: (604) 926-8182
201 - 1571 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC Canada V7V 1A6
Email: or