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Supported Fax Modems

Faximum will work with most external fax modems that comply with the Class 2 or Class 2.0 (EIA/TIA-592) standards for fax modems. Please see the following table which lists a number of Class 2/2.0 modems and indicates the support provided by Faximum. If your modem does not appear in this table, please see How can I check if my modem is Class 2/2.0?.

It is important for users to understand that with Class 2/2.0 modems, the firmware within the modem is responsible for handling the low-level communications protocol between the fax modem and the fax machine. If there is a problem with the modem's firmware then the user's modem may experience compatibility problems communicating with certain fax machines. This is obviously beyond the control of the Faximum software. While Faximum Software Inc. will work closely with the user and the modem manufacturer to resolve any such compatibility problems, we trust users understand that solutions to certain fax compatibility problems may depend entirely on the modem manufacturer and not on Faximum Software Inc.

Users ought to understand also that while the list of recommended modems below is based on careful testing by Faximum Software, modem manufacturers frequently change their modem design, firmware, and/or chipset without changing the model number or alerting us. Therefore the list below cannot be taken as a guarantee by Faximum Software. Faximum has a close working relationship with the modem manufacturers listed in the Recommended section and expects that should any problems arise with recommended devices they will be able to be resolved quickly.

For this reason, users with mission-critical applications are urged to consider one of the recommended modems listed below if they wish to be reasonably assured of reliable operation and prompt support from the modem manufacturer.

If, however, your immediate need is to evaluate our software and do not have one of the recommended modems at hand then you can probably proceed as long as you understand that you may experience problems that would not arise when using a recommended modem.

Note that the Class 2 and 2.0 fax modem standards are different and incompatible. For more information on the Class 2/2.0 standards in particular, or on fax technology in general, please contact Faximum Sales for a copy of "Frequently Asked Questions about Fax Technology" (available on the web at

The following table lists some Class 2/2.0 modems and their current level of support by Faximum.

Multi-Tech V.34 (SuperG3) Modem Announcement

Faximum Software was honoured to be a part of Multi-Tech System's MT5634ZBA-V92 press release announcing their new advanced fax modem. This modem out-performs all other fax modems we have tested and is our recommended modem for all new Faximum installations.

See also the Multi-Tech MT5634ZBA-V92 Datasheet for more details.


Class 2/2.0 Modems - Recommended

The following fax modems are recommended for use with Faximum:

We specifically recommend the MT5634ZBA-V92 (both USB and serial versions). We also support and recommend the MultiTech MT-1932ZDX and MT-2834ZDXb for installations that already have these modems.

For Direct-Inward Dialling (DID) use we specifically recommend the Multi-Tech MultiModemDID (MT5634ZBA-DID). We also support the Multi-Tech MT2834ZDXb when used with the CTPX VP_2000 interface board.

We also have reports from our Australian resellers that some Netcomm fax modems work well with our software although we do not have any specific recommendations.

Class 2/2.0 Modems - Operational

The following fax modems are known to work with Faximum but may exhibit compatibility problems with certain fax machines:

  • ZyXEL (all models with fax capability)
  • Computer Peripherals VIVA Fax Modems
  • Supra FAXModemPLUS
  • TeleBit (all WorldBlazer and TrailBlazer models with fax capability, QBlazer and TeleBlazer models are supported but not recommended)
  • U.S. Robotics (all Courier models with Class 2.0 fax capability)
  • ZOOM Fax Modems

Class 2/2.0 Modems - Others

The following fax modems have been been used by Faximum users with mixed results. Some have experienced problems while others are satisfied with their operation with Faximum. This variation may be caused by different ROM revisions or other differences between different versions of the same modem.

  • AT&T Paradyne
  • Practical Peripherals
  • Supra FAXModem V.32 and V.32bis
  • Telebit QBlazer
  • US Robotics Sportster
  • Other Rockwell Chip-Set-Based Modems

Data/Fax Sharing

Faximum PLUS Release 4 supports data/fax sharing...the ability to have both incoming and outgoing data and fax calls using the same modem and phone line. This feature requires that the modem supports "adaptive answer". Faximum has verified that adaptive answer works well with MultiTech modems. Customers using other modems are welcome to report their experience to Faximum Software but must understand that Faximum is under no obligation to support data/fax sharing with modems other than MultiTech.

How can I check if my modem is Class 2?

If you have a modem that does not appear on the above list you can determine if it is Class 2/2.0 and whether it is Rockwell-based by connecting a terminal to the modem (or using cu) and issuing the following commands at 19,200 baud:
If the modem is Class 2 or 2.0 then the response from the modem to this command ought to include the number 2 or 2.0.

If the modem is a Class 2 modem, then issue the first of the two AT commands shown on each line below (i.e. AT+FMFR?, not AT+FMR?).

If the modem is a Class 2.0 modem, then issue the second of the two AT commands shown on each line below (i.e. AT+FMR?, not AT+FMFR?).

This will usually provide the name of the manufacturer of the chip set used in the modem. (You may need to type AT+FCLASS=2 or AT+FCLASS=2.0 before the FMFR or FMR command will be accepted by the modem.)

This will usually provide the model number of the chip set used in the modem.

This will usually provide the firmware revision level for the modem.

This will usually provide the size of the internal buffer within the modem.

For reliable operation with UNIX we recommend modems with at least 1K of buffer.

If you have any doubts or questions about your fax modem, please contact Faximum Technical Support (, providing the response to these five commands.





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