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Faximum FMS














Fax Messaging Server (FMS)
for Linux


The Faximum Fax Messaging Server (FMS) is available for many operating systems other than Linux but downloads need to be obtained from Faximum. Please contact us for detailed instructions to obtain the version for your platform.


You must either visit http://www.faximum.com/register OR complete and email/fax us the registration form found at the end of the README file included in the software package in order to obtain a time-limited activation key. THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY WITHOUT THIS KEY.


This file provides up-to-date information on how to install the software.

Faximum FMS 2 README

FTP as a Single 12Mb File

Faximum FMS 2 for Linux

Once you have obtained the file, you can verify that you have received it correctly by running md5sum on it which ought to return

% md5sum faximum-4.1-35-linux.tar
b602a6aa1bbd14a8729545e9e3134a1b  faximum-4.1-35-linux.tar




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Last updated 2003-12-08


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201 - 1571 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC Canada V7V 1A6
Email: sales@faximum.com or webmaster@www.faximum.com