Email/Fax and Fax/Email gateway software.
Email/Fax and Fax/Email gateway software.

















Faximum ELS/PLUS
Release 2.21c
for SCO OpenServer 5 &
SCO UnixWare 7


You must complete and email/fax us the registration form found at the end of the README file included in the software package in order to obtain a time-limited activation key. THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY WITHOUT THIS KEY.

To obtain this software you can either ftp to and go into /pub/software or use the links below.

If you are running FTP manually, connect to and look in the directory /pub/software/ and retrieve the file called

FTP as a Single 9Mb File

(Version 2.21) Faximum ELS/PLUS for SCO UNIX and OpenServer 5.0x

Once you have obtained the file, you can verify that you have received it correctly by running sum -r on it which ought to return

% sum -r
46227 17460

Before attempting to install the software, use tar to unpack the files. A README file is included that will provide the detailed installation instructions.

If you would prefer to review the README file before downloading the software, please see README file for Faximum PLUS R2.21 for SCO.

Purchasing the Software

Once you have evaluated the software and have decided to purchase (as we are sure you will) you need only contact our sales office (+1 604 925 3600, or fax 1 604 926 8182) to purchase a permanent key. Your evaluation copy will be turned into a full product without having to re-install. Faximum Software accepts American Express, MasterCard, and VISA. For your protection, we do not recommend sending credit card information over the Internet (i.e. by e-mail).

Faximum ELS/PLUS Reference Manual

The manual for Faximum ELS/PLUS is available on line. You may either browse the copy on the Faximum web server or you may download your own copy of the Faximum ELS/PLUS Reference Manual in PDF format (the PDF version is better formatted and easier to follow than the on-line HTML version). The Faximum ELS/PLUS Installation Guide and Release Notes is also available for downloading in PDF format.

For more information on the PDF format and to obtain a free PDF file viewer, please see Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader download




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Last updated 2003-12-08


Faximum Software Inc., (604) 925-3600, Fax: (604) 926-8182
201 - 1571 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC Canada V7V 1A6
Email: or