Faximum Client/Server
Release 2.3
for Sun SPARC Solaris
You may FTP a copy of the Faximum Client/Server software for
Sun Solaris from ftp.faximum.com ( directly by running
FTP yourself, or you can select the appropriate link below:
FTP as a Single 4.5Mb
Using FTP:
Faximum Client/Server (v2.3) for Sun SPARC Solaris (4.5 Mb)
Using HTTP:
Faximum Client/Server (v2.3) for Sun SPARC Solaris (4.5 Mb)
Once you have obtained the file, you can verify that you have
received it correctly by running sum on it which ought
to return 13575 8792. To install the software, first
uncompress the file (using the uncompress command) and
then use tar to unpack the files. A README file is included
that will provide the detailed installation instructions.
If you would prefer to review the README file before downloading
the software, please see
README file for Faximum Client/Server for Solaris.
FTP as Five 1Mb Files
If you experience difficulty in downloading a single 4.5Mb file
all at once, you can retrieve the file as five separate 1Mb files
below and then put them together using the cat command:
Once you have obtained all five parts, put them together using
the cat command; then use uncompress to uncompress
the file; and then use tar to unpack the files you need.
If you would prefer to review the README file before downloading
the software, please see
README file for Faximum Client/Server for Solaris.
Purchasing the Software
Once you have evaluated the software and have decided to purchase
(as we are sure you will) you need only contact our sales office
(+1 604 925 3600, or fax 1 604 926 8182) to purchase a permanent
key. Your evaluation copy will be turned into a full product without
having to re-install. Faximum Software accepts MasterCard and
VISA (unfortunately AmEx's terms are too onerous to permit us
to continue accepting American Express). For your protection,
we do not recommend sending credit card information over the Internet
(i.e. by e-mail).