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Fax Technology















The World-Wide Web Virtual Library

Communications & Telecommunications Section

Facsimile (Fax) SubSection:

The Facsimile SubSection of the World-Wide Virtual Library is a central repository of Internet resources related to facsimile communications.

Another key resource which tends to concentrate on computer-based fax but still has coverage of many facsimile issues of general interest is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for Fax.

This section of the World-Wide Virtual Library is brought to you by Faximum Software Inc.

If you have any suggestions for inclusion in the Fax Subsection of the World-Wide Web Virtual Library, please send mail to webmaster@www.faximum.com.

Facsimile - Conferences and Trade Shows

Facsimile Products - Fax Boards

Facsimile Products - Fax Modems

Facsimile Products - MacIntosh

Facsimile Products - MS DOS

Facsimile Products - MS Windows

Facsimile Products - DOS & Windows Toolkits

Facsimile Products - UNIX (Commercial)



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Last updated 2003-12-08


Faximum Software Inc., (604) 925-3600, Fax: (604) 926-8182
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