Faximum Strategic
Faximum Software has strategic alliances and other relationships
with a number of companies in the computer industry. This page
provides some information on these partnerships as well as links
to our partner's WWW Home Pages (when available).
Complementary Products
- Faximum Software uses and recommends the SupportWizard product
for managing problem reports and email and fax communications
in a customer service environment. Please see Faximum
Software and SupportWizard for more information on the synergies
available from using our products together.
SDFax MacOS Fax Client
- Faximum Software recommends the SecureDesign Fax Client for
MacOS for customers who wish to use the Faximum Messaging Server
with networks containing Apple Mac systems.
OEM Partners
Hewlett-Packard Company
- Hewlett-Packard and Faximum Software have a cross-licensing
and technology exchange agreement. Hewlett-Packard and Faximum
co-developed the fax component of HP's MPower product (which
includes technology licensed from Faximum). Faximum's Client/Server
fax software includes technology provided by Hewlett-Packard
under this technology exchange agreement.
Sun Microsystems
- Sun Microsystems' SunFax product for the new Sun Voyager portable
SPARCstation is licensed from Faximum Software Inc.
Modem Partners
- Faximum Software recommends MultiTech fax modems for use with
its software. In Faximum's experience MultiTech modems are among
the best Class 2 fax modems available. MultiTech's technical
support is also significantly better than most.
UNIX Platform Partners
Faximum supports the following operating systems: