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Faximum Software Announces Faximum Client/Server Fax Server for Linux


Spring Internet World, Los Angeles, CA (11 March 1998) - Faximum Software, the leader in UNIX fax server technology, announced today at Spring Internet World that its flagship products, Faximum Client/Server and Faximum SWIIFT, will be available for the Linux operating system.

Linux is a UNIX-like operating system available freely over the Internet as well as from commercial suppliers such as Caldera, Red Hat, and many others. While an accurate estimate of the Linux-user community is hard to obtain because some versions are available free, estimates range between four million and six million. Infoworld named Red Hat Linux the "1997 Network Operating System of the Year".

"Porting our fax server and Internet/Intranet fax software to Linux will enable a growing segment of the UNIX marketplace to take advantage of the substantial cost savings and productivity improvements that our fax software has delivered to other UNIX users and OEMs," said Carolanne Reynolds, Vice President of Faximum Software.

Faximum Client/Server for Linux will ship within sixty days and free 30-day copies for evaluation will be available from



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