fxm - A Command Line Interface to Faximum

fxm phone [-a account] [-c class] [-f from] [-o company] [-r subject] [-s style] [-t to] [-m message] [-M messagefile] [-S style] [-T filetype] [files...]

Fxm provides a command line interface to Faximum. Fxm works by taking the parameters from the command line and preparing a command file that is handed off to submitfax. All of the parameters marked as mandatory below have default values so need not be specified on the command line. The default values can either come from environment variables or (if not set in the environment) from defaults set by the system administrator (by editing the fxm shell script itself).

Remember that if any option value (including the phone number) contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks (for example, 926-8182 is fine but "1 (604) 926-8182").

The phone number of the destination fax machine can occur at any point on the command line before the first file name and is mandatory.

Any number of attachments (files) may be added. If no files are specified then standard input is read. A file name of - also causes standard input to be read. The type (i.e. PCL, PostScript, etc.) of the file will be determined automatically but can be overridden explicitly. See the -T option below.


-a account
Specifies the account (from the account database) to use for this transmission. Default value is taken from the environment variable FAXACCOUNT.
-c class
Specifies the class of service (from the class database) to use for this transmission. Mandatory. Default value is taken from the environment variable FAXCLASS.
-f from
Provides information to identify the sender of the fax on the cover sheet (if one is specified in the style). May be repeated up to three times in order to provide the sender's name, title, and department. Default value is taken from the environment variable FAXFROM.
-m message
Provides the text of the message to be placed on the cover sheet (if one is specified in the style).
-M messagefile
Provides the name of the file that contains the message to be placed on the cover sheet (if one is specified in the style). If both -m and -M are specified then the -m message will appear before the -M message.
-o company
Provides information to identify the recipient's company (organisation) on the cover sheet (if one is specified in the style).
-r subject
Provides the information for the subject line on the cover sheet (if one is specified in the style).
-s style
Specifies the style (from the style database) to use for this transmission (as a whole). Mandatory. If no style is specified, and no cover sheet information (options -f, -m, -M, -o, -r, or -t) is provided, then a default style that does not generate a cover sheet will be used. Otherwise a cover sheet will be generated. Default value is taken from the environment variable FAXSTYLE.
-S style
Specifies the style (from the style database) to use for the following attachments (files). If no style is specified for the first attachment, then the page length, resolution, and overlay specification for the style of the fax as whole (see -s) will be used. If no style is specified for the second and subsequent attachments, then the page length and resolution (but not overlay) for the style of the fax as a whole will be used. The style specified by the -S option stays in effect for all subsequent attachments until overridden by another -S option.
-t to
Provides information to identify the recipient of the fax on the cover sheet (if one is specified in the style). May be repeated up to three times in order to provide the recipient's name, title, and department.
-T filetype
Specifies the type for the following attachments (files). If no type is specified for an attachment, then submitfax will examine the first few bytes to determine the file type). The type specified by the -T option stays in effect for all subsequent attachments until overridden by another -T option. Valid values include ASCII, PCL, POSTSCRIPT , and TIFF. (case is not significant).

Note that fxm is a shell-script front-end to the submitfax program.


ls -l / | fxm 926-8182

fxm 1-604-926-8182 -m "New Price List" /tmp/message

fxm 926-8182 -t Bob -t Janitor -f Harry -f Supervisor /docs/price.list

fxm 555.1212 -t "Sally Smith" -M /docs/messagefile
