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The professional site map generation software.


  • Functionality














Faximum Messaging Server


Key Features

  • FMS enables users to address email to fax phone numbers.
  • FMS allows users to combine email addresses and fax numbers in the same message or email group
  • FMS enables users to receive their faxes in the same inbox as their email.
  • FMS eliminates the need to manually route, distribute, and file paper faxes.
  • FMS makes it easy to pick up your faxes while at home or on the road travelling.
  • FMS keeps confidential faxes confidential by eliminating the manual handling of faxes.
  • FMS uses SCO Merge to handle Microsoft WORD and other attachments (on SCO OS5 and UW7)


With the Faximum Messaging Server you can integrate your fax communications with your existing email server. The FMS software will enable your users to send and receive faxes just as they would email. Outbound faxes are merely emailed to an address like Inbound faxes arrive as MIME messages with TIFF attachments (viewable and printable on almost any computer). This enables anyone to receive and print their faxes anywhere in the world where they can access their email.

FMS is a product, not a fax service. You own the software, you own the server, you save the money! And with email/fax services charging $12 a month per user, it is easy to see how the Faximum Messaging Server at $1,295 for 50 users can pay for itself in a couple of months.


Receiving Faxes

FMS will take incoming faxes, convert them into MIME email messages with a TIFF-F attachment, and forward them to the appropriate user who will see his incoming faxes in the same inbox as his incoming email messages. Most operating systems (including MS Windows 95, 98, and NT as well as SCO) include a fax viewer that can handle FMS fax messages.

Routing Faxes.

The routing of incoming faxes can be automated using Direct-Inward-Dialling on analog phone lines or Called-Number-Identification on ISDN digital lines. With DID, you arrange with your phone company to have multiple phone numbers associated with your incoming FMS fax line. When a fax is sent to one of the phone numbers, it comes in on your FMS fax line along with a signal that tells FMS which user (or users) ought to receive the fax. No delays. No wasted staff time routing or delivering faxes. And no loss of privacy.

Smaller offices that may not need the flexibility of a DID or ISDN solution for automated fax routing can use either email or web routing. With FMS any authorised user can use a web browser to view the first page of received faxes and quickly select the user the fax ought to be delivered to. Viewing faxes on a computer screen and selecting the recipient from a list is much faster than manually sorting and delivering faxes. So even on systems without automatic routing, incoming faxes can be handled much more efficiently than having someone empty the fax machine regularly or than having staff hover around the fax machine when expecting an incoming message.

Sending Faxes

To send a fax you merely send an email addressed to (for example): Jane_Doe/Acme_Co./ and FMS (i) creates a company cover sheet including corporate logo, (ii) converts your attachments to fax format, and (iii) delivers your message by fax over the phone line to any Group 3 fax machine.

With FMS you can send faxes as easily as you send email -- and you can mix email and fax addresses on the same message! Indeed, you can even define a group in your email program that contains both email and fax recipients. No longer do you need to keep two distribution lists and use two programs to get messages to both email and fax addresses.


Free 30-day evaluation copies of FMS are available. Or if you prefer, use our FMS server (for a limited time) to send and receive faxes. Call us today!


The Faximum Messaging Server is priced the same as the Netscape Messaging Server: $1,295 for a server licence with 50 user-licences. Additional user-licences are priced as for Netscape. As a special introductory offer the Faximum Messaging Server is available with a ten-user licence for only $495.

Free licences for personal and non-commercial use as well as free time-limited commercial licences (for evaluation purposes only) are also available.

The Faximum Messaging Server includes a licence for one fax line for every 25 users (i.e. the base 50-line system includes a two-line fax server).


faxes can be automatically routed to the correct user

  • eliminates the cost and delay of manually delivering paper faxes
  • eliminates the opportunity for others to read sensitive or confidential faxes

faxes appear in same inbox as email

  • eliminates the need to switch between software packages to handle both faxes and email
  • enables faxes to be filed electronically rather than physically
  • increases user efficiency and saves staff time

faxes can be picked up remotely

  • enables users to receive faxes while out of the office
  • eliminates need to forward faxes for travelling staff members
  • enables telecommuters to handle their incoming faxes at home or at the office

messages can be sent conveniently to both fax and email recipients at the same time

  • eliminates need to install, learn, or use separate software to send fax messages
  • eliminates need for separate email and fax directories (phone books or aliases)
  • increases user efficiency and saves staff time

fax traffic is handled by centralised fax server

  • reduces need for multiple fax modems, fax phone lines, and fax software packages on desktop machines
  • enables centralised cost control and management for fax traffic


Operating System and Related Software

  • SCO OpenServer 5.x or UnixWare 7
    (Requires TCP/IP and sendmail -- therefore will not work on SCO OpenServer Host Edition.)
  • SCO Merge (optional - for handling HTML and/or Microsoft file formats)
  • Red Hat Linux 5.2
  • (other ports in progress, please contact Faximum for details)

Disk Space

  • 3.5 - 9 meg for FMS software (depending on operating system)
  • 2 meg for every 100 pages of faxes (approx.)

Email Server

  • any email server (UNIX- or NT-hosted) capable of forwarding SMTP email (including Microsoft Exchange, Netscape Messaging Server, MMDF, PMDF, sendmail, and others)
    The primary email server does not need to run on the same machine as FMS nor does the primary email server even need to be hosted on a UNIX system.

Fax Modem/Board

  • recommended Class 2 or 2.0 analog or ISDN fax modem such as MultiTech MT2834ZDX or ZyXEL (contact Faximum for current list)
  • Dialogic/GammaLink analog or digital fax board (e.g. CPi/100, CPx/SC, etc.)

Email Client

  • any Internet/MIME email client with TIFF-F viewer (Eudora, Netscape Communicator, Outlook, etc.)

Web Browser
  • any HTML 3.2 compliant graphical web browser

Product Specifications

Data/Fax Modem Sharing

  • data and fax traffic may share the same modem and phone line when using MT1932-ZDX or MT2834ZDX modems

Message Attachment Types

  • (other documents such as Microsoft Word etc. can be manually "printed to TIFF" on the desktop prior to attaching to email or automatically converted on the FMS server using SCO Merge)

Automatic Fax Routing

  • DID (Direct Inward Dialling -- when used with MultiTech MT2834ZDX modem and DID-DTMF converter device or appropriate Dialogic/GammaLink fax board)
  • ISDN Called Number Identification when used with ZyXEL 2834I Elite modem or Dialogic/GammaLink ISDN fax board

Fax Standards Compliance

  • ITU T.4, T.6, T.30, T.37



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Last updated 2003-12-08


Faximum Software Inc., (604) 925-3600, Fax: (604) 926-8182
201 - 1571 Bellevue Avenue West Vancouver, BC Canada V7V 1A6
Email: or