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FMS Email Server Compatibility

FMS can be installed and configured to work in one of three ways:

  1. On the same system as an organisations mail email server (Mail Transfer Agent or MTA software).
  2. On a different system connected by LAN to an organisation's main email server.
  3. On a different system, connect over the Internet to an organisation's mail email server, which may be a shared email server operated by an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

1. FMS as the MTA Fax Delivery Agent

In the first case, the Faximum Fax Messaging Server (FMS) is installed on the same system as the company's main email server and is configured to be a delivery agent of the main MTA. Faximum Software Inc. currently supports the following email server software packages directly:

Faximum FMS also supports the following bundled email server products:

Support for the following email servers is being developed. Please contact for current information or if your email server software is not listed here.

2. FMS Connected to a Local MTA

In the second case, FMS is installed on a Linux (or other supported UNIX) server which is not running the organisation's main email server. Emails to be delivered by fax are first routed to the company's main email server which then passes them on to the FMS system.

Faximum has tested FMS working with the following email servers. Since FMS supports all relevant Internet Email (SMTP) standards we would expect FMS to correctly interoperate with any SMTP (Internet) email server running on a separate system.

3. FMS Connected to a Remote MTA

In the final case, the organisation's email is being handled by an external server, usually located at an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Configuring FMS in this environment requires special work and you ought to contact Faximum Technical Support for detailed instructions.

You will also need to arrange with your ISP for:

  • a special domain name dedicated to your fax server; and
  • ETRN email service.

Faximum can provide assistance in working with your ISP to provide both of the above (or in locating an ISP who can provide these services). You need not use the same ISP for your main email services as for your ETRN email service.



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Last updated 2003-12-08


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