Introduction to the FAQ on Fax
The comp.dcom.fax FAQ is brought to you by Faximum
Software Inc.
This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) often seen in the USENET newsgroup comp.dcom.fax relating
to facsimile standards, software, and hardware. It will be posted
approximately monthly. Note that the World Wide Web (HTML) version
contains additional information that is not part of the monthly
posting. Also the WWW version is "master" copy and is updated
regularly. The posted version may lag by several months. The WWW
version may be reached at
If you would like to make any submissions or corrections to the
FAQ, please contact
Your input is greatly appreciated. Suggested questions need not
be accompanied by suggested answers. Areas that are in particular
need of contributions are marked "[Need more information]". Flames
and other comments (constructive or otherwise) are also welcomed.
Note that this FAQ is primarily concerned with fax standards
in general and computer-based fax in particular. It contains little
information on commercial fax machines and related paraphenalia.
If someone else would like to start and maintain such a section
(or separate FAQ) they are more than welcome to do so. Otherwise,
please send contributions to this FAQ.
How to Get a Current Copy of This FAQ
This FAQ is crossposted to news.answers. As a consequence, this
text will also be automatically archived on many FAQ servers all
over the world (e.g., anonymous ftp to in directory
/pub/usenet/news.answers). You'll also find there many other answers
to frequently asked questions. This faq is stored in the directory
Most FAQs (including the posted flat-text version of this FAQ)
are available through Thomas Fine's WWW FAQ archive:
This FAQ is also available on the WWW at . The WWW version is always
the most current version. The text version can lag by up to a
month from the html version.
The current text version is available by FTP: . You can also
have the current text version of this FAQ mailed to you. Send
any message (content not important) to
* George Pajari * Faximum Software * Tel:
+1 (604) 925-3600 * Fax: ... 926-8182 1497 Marine Drive, Suite
300 * West Vancouver, BC * Canada V7T 1A6
Std. Disclaimers:
The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the
author(s) and contributors, and does not necessarily represent
the opinions or policies of their employers or other companies
The information provided herein is believed to be correct but
the author and contributors cannot accept any liability for errors
and omissions. Readers are cautioned to verify any information
before making decisions or taking action based upon this information.
While every reasonable effort has been taken to maintain an objective
and unbiased approach in the collection and presentation of this
information, readers are advised that the author and possibly
some of the contributors work for or have an interest in commercial
organisations involved in the fax and/or computer industry.
This FAQ is copyright 1995 Faximum Software Inc., All Rights
Reserved. Limited permission is available
to copy this FAQ.
This FAQ was created and is maintained by George Pajari (Faximum
Software Inc.) with the assistance of many contributors.
Please mail comments to