TITLE: #182 - Faximum support for DID and DDI KEYWORDS: DID DDI ISDN telephone fax routing analog DNIS RELEASE: All CLASSIFICATION: All PROBLEM: The user wishes to use analog DID (Direct Inward Dialling) trunks or ISDN digital trunks with DDI (Direct Dial Inward) or DNIS (Dialled Number Identification Service) for the automatic routing of received faxes. DID/DDI/DNIS are services that enable a single phone line (sometimes called a trunk) to have more than one phone number. Whenever someone sends a fax to one of the many phone numbers associated with the DID/DDI/DNIS line, a special signal is sent down the line to tell the fax server which number was dialled to send this fax. By associating different numbers with different users or departments and by configuring Faximum appropriately, one can have the appearance of multiple fax machines when, in fact, all you have is a single DID/DDI/DNIS line with multiple numbers. And faxes can be routed directly to the intended person without any manual intervention. For example, you could arrange with your telephone company to have a single DID trunk with the a range of numbers, (say) 925-1901 through 925-1950. You could then configure your Faximum Software product so that any fax that was sent to 925-1901 was delivered (say) to Jane, while faxes sent to 925-1950 would be delivered (say) to John, etc. and etc. Please contact your local telephone company for pricing information on DID trunk(s) and on obtaining blocks of numbers for your DID trunk(s). CAUSE: N/A SOLUTION: All major Faximum software products (Faximum PLUS, Faximum Client/Server and the Faximum Messaging Server products) support DID/DDI/DNIS but a special software package may be needed to add this capability to the shipping product (depending on the product and release). There is no charge for this package. Contact Faximum Technical Support for information on how to receive this software. To support DID you will need to have a supported MultiTech modem (see below) as well as a DID Trunk Interface to connect the modem to the DID trunk. Faximum Software recommends Exacom (see http://www.exacom.com) DID Trunk Interface devices and is an Exacom reseller. For planning purposes one ought to budget between $800 and $1000 per line for the DID interfacing hardware. The purpose of the DID Trunk Interface is (a) to convert the electrical characteristics of the DID trunk into the signals expected by an analogue fax modem, and (b) to convert the signalling information that indicates the DID number that has been dialled from the method used on the DID trunk to DTMF (a.k.a. "Touch Tone") signals that the MultiTech modem can decode. MultiTech Modems Supported for DID ================================== Model Firmware Revision ----- ----------------- 1432BA,BL,BR 114 or later 1932ZDX 114 or later 1932BL 107 or later 2834ZDX 207c or later, 307c or later 2834BA,BL 209 or later 2834MR 109 or later Contact Faximum for information on support for other makes and models. To support ISDN DDI/DNIS you will need to have an appropriate ISDN fax modem. Faximum currently supports ZyXEL Elite 2864I ISDN fax modem as well as the ISDN BRI and PRI fax boards from Dialogic Gammalink. Customers wishing to support ISDN PRI lines ought to contact Faximum Software for information on supported fax boards. Configuration - DID =================== To configure a fax line to handle DID you will need to make the following changes to the fax line configuration file(s). These files usually have names of the form fax-line-1. The directory depends on the product and platform. See below: Product Platform Directory ------------- ---------- ---------------------------------- PLUS SCO /opt/faximum/dev PLUS AIX /usr/faximum/dev Client/Server HP-UX 10.x /etc/opt/faximum/dev Client/Server Others /opt/FAXserver/dev FMS All /var/faximum/dev ------------- ---------- ---------------------------------- Edit those files which apply to those modems connected to Exacom interface boxes and change the "modem-init-string" parameter so that it includes the string "S0=0" (and not "S0=1"). This string will include many other options, leave those as they are. Also, change the parameter "class2-type" to read: class2-type = multitech-did Configuration - DDI/DNIS ======================== No special software configuration is required to prepare the Faximum Fax Server to handle the DDI/DNIS information on the ISDN line. Configuration - Fax Routing =========================== Then you will need to define the actions that will be taken when a fax is received on the DID line with a specific number. The specific approach will depend on the Faximum Server product you are using. Faximum Client/Server --------------------- It will be helpful to review the section in the on-line help on "Incoming Fax Routing" in the "Receiving a Fax" section. To associate a specific Action with a certain DID number, select the "Incoming Fax Routing..." menu option in the "Admin" menu of the graphical user interfgace. Then press the "Routing" button and select "DID Number Registration". If you are using DID (as opposed to DDI/DNIS), note that only the last n digits of the number are entered (where n is set by the telephone company and is usually three or four). If you are using DDI/DNIS then the entire number is entered. Faximum Messaging Server ------------------------ The DID information is entered in the User database (i.e. each user can be assigned a DID number if they are to receive faxes sent to that DID number or '*' if there are to receive all incoming faxes). Please consult your FMS documentation for more information on DID routing in the manual. (See also http://www.faximum.com/fms/manual). Troubleshooting - Client/Server =============================== If you are experiencing problems getting DID/DDI/DNIS routing to work then follow these steps: 1) Edit the /etc/inittab file and add a "-d" option to the faxgetty line for the DID/DDI/DNIS line you wish to test. 2) Kill the current faxgetty process on the line you wish to test. 3) Create a file called /tmp/dispatch.dbg and make sure it is rw-rw-rw- for everyone. Then manually send a fax from a fax machine to one of the DID/DDI/DNIS numbers on the line you are testing. Once the fax has been sent, email the /tmp/dispatch.dbg and /tmp/faxgetty.dbg files to Faximum Technical Support for analysis. Troubleshooting - FMS ===================== If you are experiencing problems getting DID/DDI/DNIS routing to work then first look into the system log to see if there are any error messages that might suggest the cause of the problem. Failing that, you can look at the trace files which detail the handshaking between the fax modem and the fax software during the transfer of the DID digits. These are stored in /var/spool/faximum/traces. If you have trouble deciphering these files you can email them to Faximum Technical Support (if you have a Technical Support Contract) for analysis. If you (or TS) determine that the digits are being passed but that the fax is not being properly routed then please create a file called /tmp/dispatch.dbg and make sure it is rw-rw-rw- for everyone. Then manually send a fax from a fax machine to one of the DID/DDI/DNIS numbers on the line you are testing. Once the fax has been sent, look at the dispatch.dbg file for clues as to what is happening during the dispatch process. Or (if you have purchased support) email them to Faximum Technical Support. Tech Note: 182 - Copyright 1997-2000 Faximum Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. Last Updated: Fri Mar 17 10:21:30 PST 2000 The complete set of Faximum TechNotes are available on the Internet at http://www.faximum.com/support© Copyright 2001 Faximum Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.