Invalid Database

If you get an error message that contains the text invalid database or if you suspect that there are problems with the Faximum databases check the permissions of the database files in the directory /opt/FAXserver/database on the server.

Use the following comands to check the permissions:

cd /opt/FAXserver/database
ls -l

The permissions for all of the files should be as follows:

-rw-r--r--  1  daemon  bin  ...

It is very important that all of these files are owned by the user daemon.

If the permissions are incorrect on the database files it may indicate that the software installation was not performed correctly or that the files were modified sometime after the installed was completed. Instead of reinstalling the Faximum software you can try changing the permissions yourself. Execute the following commands as root (superuser):

Note that this assumes that the home directory for Faximum is /opt/FAxserver. For more information, see Faximum Client/Server Directories.

chmod 644 /opt/FAXserver/database/*
chown daemon /opt/FAXserver/database/*
cd /opt/FAXserver/lib
chmod 6755 faxcico faxcntl mfax
chown daemon faxcico faxcntl mfax
chgrp uucp faxcico faxcntl mfax