mode [ options ] file1 file2...
can be used to manually send or receive files from a fax modem,
bypassing the normal Faximum spooler.
It can be used when other devices are being used to control the phone line
(such as voice applications).
This option can be specified multiple times on the command line.
All files are converted prior to initiating a call.
For receive, a device must be specified if more than one fax device exists.
On transmit, mfax will use the first available device if no device was
explicitly specified with the -f option. You can use a symbolic device
name that references a file
in the /opt/FAXserver
directory (e.g.
fax-line-1) or an absolute path (e.g. /dev/tty2a).
On transmit, the -t option must be used when the file(s) to be transmitted are not already in TIFF-F format. Mfax uses the same mechanism as sendfax for file conversion. A missing phone number is legal; mfax will assume the number was dialled by some other method (e.g. manually) and will attempt to start a fax session without dialling. Received data is stored in a TIFF-F format file.