device - Master Device Configuration File(s)


The device file describes a fax line and its associated fax modem.

The name of the file is arbitrary. On Faximum systems the devices files are usually called fax-line-1, fax-line-2, etc.

The file consists of a number of lines of the form name = value, where name is the name of a parameter and value is the value the parameter is to have. If a parameter value contains white space, it must be quoted. The value component may be quoted using the same syntax as the shell and may include any of the following escape sequences: \b (backspace), \e (escape), \f (formfeed), \n (newline), \r (carriage return), \t (tab), and \nnn (character with octal value nnn). For example:

name = value
name = "value value value"
name = "This \" string is funny"

The following table lists the various parameters. All parameters are optional unless otherwise noted.

alpha-tsi = string
This parameter is optional. It specifies the additional non-standard subscriber information supported by some fax devices.

class2-type = string
This parameter is mandatory. It specifies the type of Class 2/2.0 modem being used. (Unfortunately all Class 2/2.0 modems are not created equal and so Faximum must adjust its operation to suit the particular type of Class 2/2.0 modem being used.)

Supported values for this parameter include:

to tell Faximum to query the modem and determine which modem type to use (as long as the modem is defined in the /opt/FAXserver/lib/modemtab table)
for modems that adhere strictly to the Class 2.0 standard (such as some ZyXEL and US Robotics modems).
for modems that adhere strictly to the Class 2 draft standard (such as those made by Everex and MultiTech).
for modems that behave somewhat like a Class 2 modem (most Rockwell chip set modems).
for modems that are similar to a Rockwell-based modem but which use a DC2 code to start fax receptions rather than the more common DC1 (ZyXEL modems).
for modems that are similar to a Rockwell-based modem but complain when the +FDIS or +FIS command is issued at certain points during the call.

device-type = string
This parameter is mandatory. It specifies the device type (either the fax modem manufacturer, or when the fax modem conforms to a recognised standard, the name of that standard). The only value currently supported by Faximum on this operating system is eia593.

fax-speed = number
This sets the speed to be used after switching to fax mode. Speeds less than 19200 baud may cause fax modem buffer overflow on receive and are not recommended. There is rarely any reason to change this from the original default setting of 19200. Almost always set to the same value as the speed parameter below.

faxlisten-lock-file = string
This names the lock file used to protect the device from concurrent access from programs such as uucp. The template provided is normally sufficient for most systems. (See also uucp-lock-file below.)

line-type = string
This names the type of trunk group that this fax line is a part of. Normally all lines are part of the default group but in more sophisticated installations it is possible to define different trunk groups (such as DDD, WATS, FX, etc.) and configure Faximum to schedule faxes based on the different characteristics of each trunk group.

For more information, see The Trunk Group.

max-bad-lines = number
This specifies the maximum number of scan lines that can be received in error before Faximum declares the fax to be unreadable. This function is normally handled within the fax modem and so is not currently supported by Faximum.

modem-init-string = string
This contains the commands sent to the modem to initialise it before sending and receiving a fax. The commands themselves are documented in your modem's manual. The two of particular interest to users are the M0 command (which turns off the speaker, M1 turns it on) and the S7=45 (which sets the timeout the modem waits for a fax machine to answer a call to 45 seconds).

number-of-rings = number
This tells Faximum the number of rings it must detect before answering an incoming call.

pulse-dial = yes or no
This indicates whether pulse or DTMF (tone) dialling is to be used when placing calls.

receive-only = yes or no
This parameter designates a fax line as receive-only. Default is "no".

trunk-group-set-bit = number
This parameter specifies a unique bit mask for lines of this type. It is an error if two different lines with the same line-type have different trunk-group-set-bit values. It is also an error if two different lines with different line-type values have the same trunk-group-set-bit value.

tsi = string
This sets the transmit station identification. Default is a zero length string. Strings longer than 20 characters are truncated. All fax modems must support any of `+', `0' to `9', and a space. Many fax modems will also accept other alphabetic characters. Consult your modem manufacturer's manual for more information.