The Signature File
You can add your signature to faxes you send by scanning in
your signature and supplying the full pathname of the scanned
image to Faximum Client/Server
Use the following procedure:
- Sign your name with a dark pen on a sheet of white
paper and use a scanner to create a TIFF-F image
of the signature.
- In the Compose Outgoing Fax window, choose Include Signature
from the Options pulldown menu.
- Choose Signature File from the Options pulldown menu.
Faximum Client/Server displays the Signature File dialog.
- Supply the full pathname to the TIFF image in
Signature File dialog and choose OK.
Use the following guidelines when scanning your
- Scan the signature as a black and white drawing (or similar
option). Save it as a
Class F TIFF file if possible.
- If the signature appears too small when you include the
TIFF image on your fax, rescan the signature and save it
at a slightly larger size (in your scanner application).
You may have to experiment until you get an acceptable image.
If you do not have access to a scanner, you can fax the sheet of paper
containing your signature to the Faximum server and extract the
signature from the fax. See Extracting a Signature or Logo from a Fax.